Round Table N°1 : Epistemology of generativer sciences and intervention research in management

Flemming Norrgren
Rami Shani
Bernard Dhubert
Paul Coughlan

Round Table N°2 : Design theory: models of creative thought and post-decisional paradigm

Eswaran Subrahmanian
Gilles Garel
Mathieu Cassotti
Patrick Llerena

Round table N°3 : Conceptive reason: philosophical and cultural issues

Christophe Abrassart
Anne-Françoise Schmid
Vincent Bontems
Georges Amar

Round Table N°4 : Enterprise theory: collective creation and learning

Olivier Favereau
Jean-Pierre Brechet
Ellen O'Connor
Anna Grandori

Round table N°5 : The governance of responsible enterprise: management norms and mission

Baudouin Roger
Stéphane Vernac
Aurélien Acquier
Ken Starkey

Round Table n°6 : Bene gesta in history and culture: prescription relationship, rationality and responsability

Alain-Charles Martinet
Thomas Stenger
Patrick Fridenson
Bernard de Montmorillon

Management science, fundamental science: which perspectives?